Sunday, December 04, 2005

Hi everyone,

Mosaic Patterns Online is live!

This site has been created to provide people with access to mosaic patterns that have been designed by artists. The pattern itself consists of:
1. 3 color combinations,
2. a materials and equipment list,
3. a photographic step-by-step instruction guide
4. and the pattern itself.

We've created the PDF patterns at 100% of size, so you just have to print it out with Adobe Reader, stick it together and voila, you have a pattern for your next mosaic project.

In the coming months, we will be providing patterns of tables, chairs, tablerunners, pla
nt pots and other items that you can mosaic.

One of our new patterns is our Lazy Susan. Beautiful and durable, this will make any dining room or breakfast table look great!

Every month there will be free patterns to download, so if you are a beginner, these are great projects for you to create. Our project this month is a fairy cross, that is both beautiful and whimsical. The pattern recommends opalescent tiles and mirror tiles.

If you don't know where to get your tiles, we have provided a list under "Links" of online suppliers for all your materials and equipment so getting started will be a breeze.

Kirsty Fletcher

Mosaic Patterns Online